Monday, October 12, 2015

Evaluating Online Resources


  • Gun violence and mental illness
 Article Impressions
  • I'm using an article from The New Yorker called "Is There A Link Between Mental Health And Gun Violence?" my first impressions of the credibility are pretty good from what I've seen so far. The New Yorker is a news website with a wide variety of articles spanning from politics to humor. There are many Advertisements that border each article and you have to watch one before you read each article, but overall I think the website is pretty credible.The All the statistics in the article have embedded link to where if you click on them they direct you to where the author received her information, and each author has a link where you can read more articles by them.
  • 46% of people think people with mental illness are more dangerous
  • more people believe mass shootings happen from mental illness vs easier gun access
  • 34,000 mental patients guns ceased
  • In a study done by Swanson only 4% of violent acts were done because of mental illness
  • linked to gender and substance abuse
  • When the all data is examined. The only violence that it causes is the "Increases the risk of gun violence when that violence takes the form of suicide." (Konnikova)
Work cited
    Konnikova, Maria. "Is There A Link Between Mental Health and Gun Violence?" The New Yorker. The New Yorker, 19 Nov. 2014. Web. 8 Oct. 2015.

Database Impressions
  • The first thing I noticed about the database article is the length of it. The article is seven pages long. Another observation I had is that it has two and a half pages of sources after the article. Then my final observation is there are two authors in the database article. 
  • From what I observed the database article is a lot more informative than the one I found online. The Article its self is seven times longer and the information is a better quality. the reason I know this is The New Yorker Article Is written just by one person who I don't have any background information on. The article in the database isn't just written by one author, it is written by two who both have a PhD. Then Finally I know the Authors did plenty of research based on the sources they have listed after their Article. When compared to the article online which just provides links in the text that you can follow if you want to see the research.
Work Cited
   Turndolf J. Was Adam Lanza an Undiagnosed Schizophrenic? Phychol Today. December 20, 2012. available at Accessed July 23, 2014.

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