Sunday, August 30, 2015

Interviews (Day One): Smriti


Smriti is brave, and very smart; that is clear to me within minutes of our conversation. She moved here in 2011 from Nepal, and has had to work her way up to English 121, continuously improving her English along the way. I have never been out of the country myself, so I have to imagine how difficult it is to move somewhere foreign, learning a new language along the way. She moved here because of her love for numbers, and is seeking an Accounting degree. She has been at Front Range since 2013, and knows the campus well. In that time, she has taken one other English class: a reading and composition class. Her preferred method of writing essays is pen and paper. She wrote out essays more frequently in her previous English class, and says she prefers it to typing one up on a computer.
We are both seeking college degrees, and this has taken us to the same English class. She wishes to improve her English as a whole, while I wish to improve my writing style. While I foresee very few problems with English 121, she has concerns because English is her second language. She has built up to this class over past few years, whereas it is a simple stepping stone for me. She and I both enjoy workshopping, because it gives a personal, one-on-one view of another’s writing and critique. While she is here for Accounting, I am here to eventually become a nurse. While our worlds may be totally different, on paper, Smriti is easy to talk to and our interview was enjoyable. 

- Devon D.

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