Monday, August 31, 2015

Personal Reaction, Chapter 3

This chapter felt like a repeat of everything I've learned previously. It refreshed a few things I needed to brush up on, mostly about essay organization and making sure there is enough support in the essay, but that is nothing new. The descriptive checklists are something I will be using in the future, just to double check my work and to make sure I'm asking all the right questions. I doubt I will be consulting it for essay structure, but it never hurts to have a back-up. Mostly, I found this chapter tired and overdone. The Orwell essay was a unique fit for it, and was useful in that it showed a different type of essay than the typical three point, five paragraph style we have all come to know and write on autopilot. 
 An old Russian Proverb on a Post-it i have above my desk at work.
The first few chapters in this book have confirmed that this class will help me to start writing for school again, and not just writing for work or to my friends. The chapters do have helpful tips and tricks, as well as information to help if I'm stuck while writing. While it is the basic fundamentals of English that we all must learn to become better writers, it is still a bit dry and boring thus far. It might be helpful for me with writing longer essays, as I tend to be a very concise writer and feel like I'm rambling when I write more than a page or two.

Until next class, everyone!
-Devon D.

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