Tuesday, September 1, 2015

Day one inteviews with Devon

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                     Smriti Sharma

Aug 26,2015
             My friend Devon she is 21 years old. she was born in boulder.Her aim is to be a nurse.I ask her about writing skill .she share me some of the things when she write a essay.she like to write creative writing .she is not a poet .she don't write any weekly email to her friend .she do not have to write any memo or reports at work.But she has a habit to write to-do list.2 years ago she take a Eng 121 class and later she drop a class because she did not like a instructor.she like work shopping, when she was in middle school she take English class.she know computer and Microsoft world .when she get time she is online at home.she is good at social networking . she is not so familiar at campus library.she came back after 2 year when she drop her Eng 121 class in 2013.she enjoy writing essay and she want to improve her essay.she has a problem with writing essay so she want to improve her writing essay.

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