Thursday, September 3, 2015

The Atlantic Blog Review

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  This week our group followed different blogs. Of all of them, The Atlantic was the top choice. The Atlantic is a quality news blog that follows news events from around the world, covering a wide variety of subjects. I recently had the opportunity to follow it daily, and these are some of my observations.
   The blog is very organized, and user-friendly. On the home page, you are presented with a mass amount of stories, carefully sectioned according to content. Each section is headlined with the top stories of the day, and they are labelled specifically. U.S., global, entertainment, cultural news, and more is readily available. The articles themselves are written and presented really well, and the authors appear to be well-informed and reliable. The blog itself looks really professional, taking the look of an online news paper. The articles are eye-catching, titled in bold, with a short summary and the author's name in bright red. Pictures are attached to almost every article, adding to The Atlantic's great overall appeal. 
         We would highly recommend The Atlantic. It is visually pleasing, informative, and well organized. With it's high variety of subjects and spectacular authors, there is something for everyone.

- Timothy Wellmann, Devon D

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