Thursday, November 12, 2015

Chapter 17 response

Chapter 17 is a chapter that discusses how to use other people's sources in your writing and how to avoid plagiarizing their writing. The chapter starts out by explaining the different ways you can insert some ones writing into your own. The ways the chapter cited are summarizing, quoting, paraphrasing, and synthesizing. The chapter then explains how to to do each one individually and a definition of each one. For example "when you quote, you use a writer's exact words as they appear in the source, including all punctuation, capitalization, and spelling." (721) Then the chapter ends in a helpful little section that discusses how to avoid plagiarism. Over all I found this chapter super helpful. The reason for this is with our current paper being a research paper we have to examine multiple sources and find a way to convey their information into our paper without stealing it and giving them the credit. I will definitely be referring back to this article before I turn in my final draft to make sure I give credit where credit is due.

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