Thursday, November 5, 2015

Ethos, Pathos, And Logos In Writing


  • Ethos are the credibility of the information you use in your writing. This applies the statistics, quotes, and sources you use for your writing. That is why it is important to evaluate the sources in your writing. Your reader won't be convinced to take your side of a subject if they don't trust or believe the sources you are giving them.
  • Pathos are when you try swaying your audience by using their emotions. One way you can use Pathos in your writing is by using images. An example of this when the news reports a catastrophe the station will shows videos and pictures of people crying, destroyed homes, and interview people during an earthquake to draw their audience in through sympathy to watch their program. Another way Pathos assist in writing is they make the audience feel like they can relate to the Author. The picture in the comic is perfect for this example because when Liz posted that picture of her cat that past away, Her audience can relate to that. Because almost all of them have probably have lost a pet in the past. The final way someone can apply Pathos to their writing is by writing using an anecdote in their paper.
  • Logos are the most used of the three appeals. Logos are when you appeal to the audience sense of reasons. This is usually the goal of all papers is to present your audience with an idea and by the conclusion of your paper you have used reason to make your audience to think the same thing. You can achieve this by showing statistics, rebutting the counter argument, or explaining why your argument is valid.
Using Ethos, Pathos, and Logos in my research paper

  • Ethos: I'm going to build my credibility is through the the statistics and studies my sources have presented me with.
    • First I have a study done that shows more than half police deaths happen from an illegally purchased firearm
    • I'm gong to quote one of my sources that was written by two authors who both have PhD's that shows that doctors and other professionals and predict future gun violence by a person who is suffering from mental illness.
    •   I have statistics that show Australia's gun violence went down with more gun control. This builds my credibility by showing I'm not blind to the opposition, but I'm going to rebuttal it after I present it.
  • Pathos
    • I'm going to tell the story of Adam Lanza and the Sandy Hook shooting, and another shooting at a middle school to relate to my audience that I understand these awful events taking place.
    • After I reason that mental illness doesn't increase gun violence. I'm going to tell a few stories of people with mental illness who did great things. I'm doing this to show my audience that we shouldn't fear people with mental illness, but to sympathize with them.
    • Finally I'm going to expose how we live in a gun centered culture. Part of this is going to come from the story of the revolution, our music, and our entertainment. This will connect me with my audience by showing we all live in the same culture together.
  • Logos: Here are my main reasoning points I'm going to argue in my essay.
    • Mental illness doesn't affect gun violence so not allowing people suffering from mental to by guns won't stop future gun violence.
    • We should focus on using money for gun control on policies that will protect people instead. Such as having police officers in schools.
    • Most felonies can obtain a firearm illegally
    • Further gun control laws will not pass with our current culture.
    • Most mass shootings have happened with hand guns vs. assault weapons

1 comment:

  1. Tag and/or sign your name to this, so I know who to give the credit to!
